The strategic philosophy of CapaEpsilon® is depicted by the synergy of three functional cycles, the result of them is the structurally important concept of business development.
The Stakeholders is in the first place. It records its operational and management profile, prioritizes its needs and personalizes the methodology of approaching and issuing its deliverables. At the same time all the task forces coordinated by CapaEpsilon® (entities of the close or far public sector, chambers, sectoral and other business associations) stand in favor. CapaEpsilon®‘s certified partners and associates, are covering the full range of modern business and business requirements: legal advisors, labor engineers, specialized electronics technicians, investment plan consultants, certified accountants, tax consultants and valuers, banking advisers, specialist executives green growth and corporate responsibility. This scientific group produces its work, based on the square KNOWLEDGE – PREPAREDNESS – FLEXIBILITY – EFFECTIVENESS.
The combined action of CapaEpsilon®‘s task forces, staff and certified associates shapes its final Business Footprint: ADDED VALUE + CORPORATE ETHICS + INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS + FLEXIBILITY IN CHANGE
The realization of this square is the embodiment of CapaEpsilon ® vision: Entrepreneurship with values, impregnated by innovation, attractive to change, ready to produce new wealth.